Saturday, August 20, 2011

Missing the “Great” Saratoga

4 Day trip into the past (Saratoga) is over for this year. Great Friends, Great Food & Drink, Great Race Course, Great Horses, Great Trainers, Great Jockeys, Great Weather.

3 Days of live handicapping resulted in a minor profit. Live Races are much different than horse handicapping tournaments in that you get to focus on different aspects of the “game” such as Exactas, Tri's, Pick 3, Pick 4, etc. It is also a much more social event in that you are surrounded by thousands of fans filled with excitement to see “their” horses win or lose.

You also get to move around the race course from sitting in the clubhouse to pre race viewing in the wooded paddock to watching from the rail at the finish line. You get the sights, sounds, smells of historic “SPA”.

Outside of the daily walk to the track, visits were made to the Brunswick (B&B of choice), Turf Club Restaurant & Bar formerly the Springwater (especially the bar!!!), Sabinas and Parting Glass.

Nightly ritual of meeting on the Brunswick porch was as comfortable as always with the same people met over the past 4 years from Boston, Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia. Swapping stories of the Pick 4s won and lost, how the objection in the 10th cost 1 person a small ticket but helped another to a a bigger ticket. Then in Race 10 on Friday, the “judge” hit the Trifecta for over $5,000 !!!

Great Time in Saratoga 2011 !!!!

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